Moving Day, Moving Day, Moving Day!

Moving Day, Moving Day, Moving Day!

We just love, love, love completion day at our offices, the moment when the stresses and strains of the moving process disappear and you collect the keys to your new home. We make sure that people enter a relationship with our agency as clients and quickly become friends of our business right through the process and beyond.

The Amos Estates office is always full of positivity as we welcome people to the branch to collect the keys to their new homes on completion day. Hours of packing boxes, tearful farewells to old neighbours and the worry of the removal guy tripping over the dog and dropping Auntie's vintage vase are quickly forgotten as you finally get to visit us en route to your new home.

We are very proud of the five-star reviews received from clients noting the efforts of our experienced sales progressor, Suzanne. We brought her to our firm after recognising her talent especially a comforting manner which allows her to keep everyone informed in a simple, calm way turning the legal jargon into easy-to-understand information.

You can see some of our reviews by clicking here:

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With technology at our fingertips and a high-quality camera in our hand almost all of the time, we simply will not tolerate terrible photography, and it can certainly harm your chances of selling your home if you get them wrong. If your property photographs are dark, dingy, or taken from unflattering angles, a buyer will just keep on scrolling past. Read this article to find out more about technology in property sales and how it can help you...

Now that the decorations have all come down and the kids are packed off back to school, it's time to get on with selling your house. Get your home on the market this new year with these action steps.

In Hockley we are almost as well known for delivering a calendar of community action projects as we are for our award winning estate agency services. As we finish our last project of 2024, our Letters from Santa we thought it was worthwhile looking back at the various projects organised by our team.

They say that a kitchen can sell a property and it is certainly a huge factor for buyers when searching for their next home. How does your kitchen stack up? Would it make every Masterchef green with envy, or are you considering upgrading your kitchen in 2025? Read this article to ensure your kitchen upgrades will help your future sale.